Jul 3rd, Sep 4th (Recurred every Monday)
This event (recurring on Mondays 4.30-7.30pm0 features multiple vendors, you can find high quality locally sourced produce and greens, as well as craft items like jewellery, wax candles. You can sample / taste various of the treats and drinks there.
There is also community activities / resources and live musical performances (for example, this marimba performance in the photo)
It’s located along the Gorge, ( 1070 Tillicum Road ), right next to the new Pavillion building.
You can also explore the Nature House which is open during the event.
There’s amazing views of the water from the market.
Resources :
https://www.esquimaltmarket.com/gorge-vendor-map (Vendor list)
https://www.esquimaltmarket.com/marketinfo (Esquimalt Farmer’s Markets Locations and Times)
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